
In der Diagnostik ist die Neuroradiologie mit ihren bildgeberischen Möglichkeiten unentbehrlich, um eine zeitgemässe neurologische Beurteilung durchführen zu können. 

Peter Sandor, Baden, Neurologie

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Gründungsmitglied der SFCNS


Mitglied der European Society of Neuroradiology


Mitglied der World Federation of Neuroradiological Societies


Mitglied der European Union of Medical Specialists


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Clinical Neuroradiology

Offical Journal of the German, Austrian and Swiss Societies of Neuroradiology
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Clinical and Translational Neuroscience

The Journal Clinical and Translation Neuroscience (CTN) is an open access, peer-reviewed journal publishing transdisciplinary research. It is the response to the urge to bridge clinical and basic neuroscience and the different clinical neuro-disciplines. The journal‘s mission is to provide neuroscientists with outstanding articles that enhance patient care, education, and professionalism. As of July 1st 2021, the CTN Journal is published by MDPI, based in Basel. You can find all information regarding the Journal on their Website.